Fourth Mobility "SOS PLANET a Robotics project"

Del 26 de marzo al 2 de abril , cinco de nuestros alumnos de 1º de la ESO, Pablo Izquierdo, Adrián Pozo, Javier Roca, Marcela Giménez y Alicia Figal, acompañados por Vicente Calabuig y Jorge Segarra, viajan a Cracovia(Polonia), para participar en la cuarta movilidad del proyecto "SOS Planet, a robotics project", dentro del programa Erasmus+ que promueve la Unión Europea.

Allí se reunen con estudiantes de Polonia, Grecia, Turquía y Eslovaquia y juntos se enfrentan a un nuevo desafío.

Todos los vídeos del día a día en Cracovia los podéis ver a través del siguiente enlace web: Ver vídeos...

This wednesday we went to a National Park near Krakow. We made a workshop about the importance of water and its quality.

In this park, we also visited a beautiful castle.

At the moment, we are having such a good time and learning so many interesting things :)

This thursday, we have been programming hard to obtain the best possible marks. :-) And then, we also visited the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Krakow. There, we could learn lots of new things and be more than 100 meters underneath the ground

Today friday was our last day in Krakow, we have done the Challenge test, and this are the results:vPablo´s team won the challenge with 300 points. His team got 50 points ahead the second team.

And tonight, we are going to finish this fantastic experience, having dinner with the Turkish teachers at one of the best Italian restaurants in the city.

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